About me

I am a research intern @SU Lab, UC San Diego. I just received my master degree in Computer Science from UC San Diego, advised by Prof. Tzumao-Li.

My research interests lie in rendering, reconstruction and generative models(e.g. normalizing flows and diffusion model). I am looking for a Ph.D. position Fall 2025.

I received B.Eng. degree from College of Computer Science & Technology, Zhejiang University and Honours Degree from Chu Kochen Honors College in 2022, advised by Prof. Rui Wang.

During my undergraduate years, I was a passionate enthusiast of gamer and interned on the Honor of Kings: World(王者荣耀:世界) project at Timi Studio.

Old day’s dream

At the age of 16, I set a life goal for myself: to become a game producer and create my own games that would have a global impact.

While I won’t say this dream has been dead or lost, in recent years I did since find another more compelling and intriguing goal, and I’ve decided to dedicate my best years to this area instead of game development.

I think I definitely will revisit my gaming aspirations someday in the future. But that’s often how life goes - we find ourselves interested in many things, yet we can only choose one as our primary focus.

Besides, I like cooking and I really like Japanese anime and manga.